Heirloom Tomatoes

May – December from various regions of California including hot houses

Rule #1 Keep tomatoes out of the refrigerator! Your best bet is to purchase ripe ready to eat tomatoes and keep them stem up on the counter. If you must refrigerate them, make sure that they are fully ripe. Don’t keep them in the refrigerator for more than a couple a day as they will deteriorate in flavor.

Yellow or white variety tomatoes are very low in acid leaving room for a milder, sweeter flavor.

High acid red varieties have a good bite to them and are great for slicing thick and making sandwiches. Green varieties can vary in flavor from sour to sweet. They surprise me every time I try a different variety. Most green heirloom varieties are ripe when they are green.

Heirlooms are always picked when ripe and do not hold up for weeks at a time like commercial tomatoes. One thing to remember with heirlooms: buy ’em & eat ’em! They break down fast.

Video: Heirloom Tomatoes

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Dan The Produce Man

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