Italian Sweet Red Onions

Summer – Fall

Like all Sweet Onions, Italian Sweets are not choice for long term storage. They will begin to break down faster than a storage onion due to high moisture content.

Pick onions that are firm, feel the stem end by gently pressing your thumb into the top. You’re looking for any break down and decay in this area. Also keep an eye out for black mold which is common. If your onion is firm all the way around, then buy it and use it.

The Italian Sweet is famous on burgers, sandwiches and salads. It caramelizes well when sautéed and is a great addition to anywhere you would use an onion.

I have been told by many folks that suffer indigestion from onions that sweet onions have little if no effect at all on their stomachs. I happen to be one of them. This is due to the lack of Pyruvic Acid, so enjoy your summer with sweet onions on your menus.

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Dan The Produce Man

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